Touchscreen technology has revolutionized the way we interact with digital devices, making its mark in various fields such as smartphones, tablets, ATMs, and even automotive interfaces. But this transformative journey has roots that can be traced back to several pioneering individuals and institutions. In this article, we’ll delve into the key figures and entities who played vital roles in the development of touchscreen technology.

The Early Pioneers

E.A. Johnson: The Inception

Eric Arthur Johnson is often credited as one of the first pioneers in touchscreen technology. In 1965, Johnson, an engineer at the Royal Radar Establishment in the UK, published a paper describing a type of touchscreen for air traffic control systems. His work was the cornerstone in this burgeoning field and earned him a place in the annals of touchscreen history.

Dr. G. Samuel Hurst: Resistive Touchscreen

In 1971, Dr. G. Samuel Hurst, while working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, invented the resistive touchscreen, an innovation that allowed for accurate touch input. This technology laid the groundwork for many modern applications and is still commonly used in various devices.

Key Innovations and Developments

Pioneer Contribution Year
E.A. Johnson Capacitive Touchscreen 1965
Dr. G. Samuel Hurst Resistive Touchscreen 1971
Myron Krueger Video Place 1974
Bob Boie Multi-Touch 1982

Myron Krueger: Human-Computer Interaction

In 1974, artist and computer scientist Myron Krueger developed a system called Video Place, which was a precursor to touchscreen interfaces. Video Place enabled direct interaction with the computer screen, making Krueger a significant figure in the evolution of intuitive human-computer interaction.

Bob Boie: Early Multi-Touch Technology

Bob Boie, a researcher at Bell Labs, developed one of the early multi-touch technologies in 1982. This was an immense leap forward, as it allowed screens to recognize multiple touch points simultaneously, which is a cornerstone of today’s touchscreens.

The Modern Era

Apple and LG: Revolutionizing the Smartphone Industry

When discussing modern touchscreen technology, it’s impossible to overlook the monumental contributions of companies like Apple and LG. The iPhone, released in 2007 by Apple, featured a capacitive touchscreen that was both responsive and user-friendly. LG’s Prada phone, which debuted a few months earlier in 2006, is also notable as one of the first devices to feature a capacitive touchscreen.

Microsoft Surface: Expanding Beyond Smartphones

Microsoft’s Surface line, introduced in 2012, extended touchscreen technology beyond smartphones and tablets. Offering a PC experience with the added convenience of a touchscreen, the Surface has significantly influenced the market for hybrid devices.

Google: Innovating with Android

Google’s Android operating system has also played a crucial role in touchscreen technology. By offering an open platform, Google enabled a plethora of devices to benefit from advanced touch interface capabilities, pushing the boundaries of what touchscreens can achieve.

The Future of Touchscreen Technology

Touchscreen technology is continually evolving. With innovations such as haptic feedback, in-display fingerprint sensors, and flexible screens, the future holds exciting possibilities. Companies like Samsung, Apple, and emerging tech firms are tirelessly working to bring the next wave of advancements to consumers.


The journey of touchscreen technology from its rudimentary beginnings to its current state of sophistication is a testament to the innovation and perseverance of its pioneers. Individuals like E.A. Johnson, Dr. G. Samuel Hurst, Myron Krueger, and Bob Boie, along with modern companies such as Apple, LG, Microsoft, and Google, have profoundly influenced the way we interact with technology today. As we look forward to future developments, it’s essential to acknowledge and appreciate the groundbreaking work of these trailblazers.

Understanding the history of touchscreen technology allows us to better appreciate its complexity and the revolutionary impact it has had on our lives. The pioneers in this field have not only innovated but also paved the way for a future where technology and human interaction seamlessly coexist.